Monday, December 12, 2011

Helping Hands

Our engine/transmission repair has been in progress for more than a week, and finally, the fix arrived special delivery from Orlando. Our buddy Elmer, who is THE mechanical genius, figured out what 3 or more "professional marine mechanics" could not, and we are ready for a test drive in the morning. A real knuckle buster, but we are all glad to have that done.

That spells relief!!

This afternoon, the computer genius in the anchorage, Mark of sv Rachel, was kind enough lend a hand in the adaptor/software/firmware/propogation world (yeah right) in order to get the Sailmail functional. This was confirmed true when test message was reported sent to sister Clare in Chicago via Panama station.
Amazing.  Now if we could just clean up the spaghetti on the navigation station.
On to Miami...

1 comment:

  1. Good to know everything's functional. That always helps! Personally, I think there are bilge gremlins that feel the need to break something when things are going too well.
    Happy New Year!
